Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Square peg

I'm beginning to realize the hole in my heart is not shaped like a baby, like I thought it was, but it's the shape of a man, God in the flesh, Jesus Christ.  He's waiting for me to let Him fill that void. It's like a 3 year old trying to push a square into the cut out for a circle.  It's always easier to continue thinking you need something you really don't because you think it will bring this elusive happiness (which doesn't really exist), but it's alot harder to accept what you truly need in life to bring you freedom, true love, peace, and contentment - a relationship with the living God, the God who died for my sins.  The God who created me even though He knew I would reject Him.  The God who continues to love me, even though I disobey Him.  The God who forgives me because I believe.  I'm SO thankful for his mercy and grace.  I so don't deserve it, but I so do appreciate it...